
The presence of women in executive positions is a source of innovation and performance. And even though legal constraints 
are intensifying and companies are becoming aware that parity is a societal issue, the reality remains quite different. 
Women represent 42% of executives but only 16% of them sit on the management bodies.This discrepancy is mainly due 
to a drop in their career when they become parents.

Paritality© offers companies the opportunity to reconcile parity and parenthood through a systemic approach and individual responses. A diagnostic and awareness-raising offer to change managerial practices and anchor the changes in the long term.
Paritality© is a "coming back for more" coaching for women who become mothers so that they can clarify
 their project and remove the perceived or real obstacles to maintaining an ambitious career.

Because the challenge of parity is played out well before the top positions!


Why couldn't a vowel be above a consonant?
Why can't a woman come back for more? Why should the letters always be aligned?
We decided to build this logo as a race to ambition, to success,
as a juggling act with a hectic family life, with its ups and downs.

Editorial Concept

We turn all the elements of popular culture normally associated with mom, into dad.
From The Empire Strikes Back to Madonna, all the headlines are dressed in femininity.

Thank you so much for everything you've done, Mom.
Thank you for watching.

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